RSS Kicks Off Data Science Section Debut with June 19 Event

The Royal Statistical Society is holding an evening event to launch its newly formed Data Science Section.The Data Science Section will describe its remit and present the data science topics that it aims to address over next few years – notably around the event's title, "The Industrialisation and Professionalisation of Data Science."  This will be followed by short invited responses by three representatives from Government, Academia and Industry while RSS President Sir David Spiegelhalter, will respond on behalf of the society to the Data Science initiative and explain how it fits in with the overall work of the Society.  There will then be an opportunity to comment from the floor.Agenda:•    An introduction to the Data Science Section (DSS) and its remit – Andy Garrett (Chair, DSS)•    Twelve questions around the industrialisation and the professionalisation of Data Science that the DSS intends to cover over the coming year(s) – Harry Powell and Fran Bennett (DSS Committee)•    An illustration as to how the Section might address a data science topic – Martin Goodson (DSS Committee)•    Three short invited responses chaired by Ioanna Manolopoulou (DSS Committee):

  • Tom Smith (MD, ONS Data Science Campus)
  • Ben Dias (Head Advanced Analytics & Data Science, Royal Mail Group)
  • Sofia Olhede (Scientific Director, UCL Big Data Institute)

•    RSS president, Sir David Spiegelhalter, will respond on behalf of the Society•    Open Q&A session•    Close and next steps  – Andy Garrett (Chair, DSS)The event will be followed by a networking reception sponsored by Evolution AI. The event takes place at Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX and starts at 6 p.m. Although the event registration is currently full, contact for more information about the section and the event.   


Methods Minute Newsletter No. 5: Research Ethics & Integrity


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