Choosing a Methodology

In the first quarter of 2021 we explored design steps, starting with a January focus on research questions. We’ll continue to learn about the design stage in February with a focus on Choosing Methodology and Methods, an important part of the initial stage of the research process, Identifying & Planning Research.

This guest post from methodologist and author Margaret Roller includes links to her excellent collections of articles about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design.

“Methodology” is a new compilation of selected articles.

The articles in this collection appeared in Research Design Review from 2010 to 2017. The compilation includes 26 articles concerning a variety of design considerations in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, plus 2 articles on becoming a methodologist. There are many other articles in RDR that focus entirely on qualitative design — as an example, “Qualitative Design & Methods: 14 Selected Articles from 2019” — and articles devoted to quantitative design — such as “Choice of Mode & the Do-Nothing Response” and “The Vagueness of Our Terms: Are Positive Responses Really That Positive?”

At the heart of this compilation, however, is methodology; specifically, the unique and shared design considerations in qualitative and quantitative research as well as the synergy derived from mixed methods designs.

“Methodology: 26 Articles on Design Considerations in Qualitative, Quantitative, & Mixed Methods Research — Plus, Thoughts on becoming a methodologist” are available for download here.


Collaborative Thinking & Writing about Methodology


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