Design a Study of Online Talk

MethodSpace will explore phases of the research process throughout 2021. In the first quarter we explore design steps, starting with a January focus on research questions.


With more and more of our communication occurring online, research problems and questions for many studies relate to digital life. The records of such conversations are of interest to researchers. If you are thinking about a study of online interactions, publications from MethodSpace contributor Dr. Trena Paulus should be on your resource list! Listen here to the latest NVivo Podcast featuring Dr. Trena Paulus and co-author Dr. Alyssa Wise. They talk with Stacy Penna about their research design framework for studying online talk. The framework is based on their recent book, Looking for Insight, Transformation, and Learning in Online Talk, published by Routledge. You might also be interested in Dr. Paulus' recent SAGE book: Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World.

See this video interview:


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