Practical Mapping for Applied Research and Program Evaluation

In October of 2019 Steve Wallis and Bernadette Wright served as Mentors in Residence. Their visual, collaborative approach to evaluation makes it a worthwhile option for organization- or community-wide efforts. In this series of posts they explained key steps. They also offered instructional ideas for use in the classroom, or for use with group members as a way to prepare for an evaluative project. You will find links to teaching materials embedded in their posts. For a discount when purchasing the book from SAGE Publishing, use the discount code MSPACEQ222.

Steve Wallis was a Fulbright Scholar with extensive experience as a doctoral supervisor, researcher, writer, and consultant. His work demonstrated the potential for bridging theory and practice. Unfortunately, Steve passed away in the summer of 2021 from a rare form of cancer. Ever concerned with making the world a better place, this was his parting statement: please encourage your students, colleagues (and, yourself) to advance our work in developing more useful theories and policies for the betterment of humankind. Hopefully you will do just that when you read and use his book and Methodspace posts!


Studying Practices for Evaluation


What Utilization-Focused Evaluation Is, And Why It Matters