Sentient methods in Action Research—A conversation with Iñigo Retolaza Eguren

The MethodSpace focus for October 2020 was on Action Research. Our Mentors-in-Residence this month were Ernie Stringer and Alfredo Ortiz Aragon, co-authors of a new edition of the text Action Research.

Iñigo Retolaza Eguren is an action researcher with the “Centro de Investigación por La Paz Gernika Gogoratuz” ( in País Vasco. In this interview, Iñigo shares interesting details about his upcoming paper “Memorialab: Dialogue, Memory and Social Healing in Basque Country: A Methodological Note”—to be published in the 2021 SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research. He gives special focus to how embodied and sentient methods are uniquely able to engage people’s knowledges in action research processes, towards personal and social healing.

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