Teaching Cultural Issues and Quantitative Methods

SAGE Research Methods Teaching helps you find teaching materials and get inspiration from other lecturers

The August 2022 Methodspace focus was on culture and social research. Within this broad topic we can consider numerous implications for researchers in a diverse multicultural world. How can we bring relevant cultural contexts, respectful approaches, and rigorous analysis to the attention of students in research methods courses?

The new SAGE Research Methods Teaching is an open-access hub where you can find teaching materials on these and other concepts relevant to quantitative or mixed methods courses at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. This is a site for exchange, where methods faculty post presentations, worksheets, and assignments you can use in your own classroom. Adapt materials from varied disciplines to fit curricular goals. You’ll note

Here are a few examples:

More Methodspace posts about teaching methods and mentoring students


Contributors Comment about Qualitative Research in an Asian Context